Arms of Law Enforcement
1894 Winchester
9/11 Revolver - Officer Walter Weaver
AMT (Arcadia, CA) Backup II Semi-Automatic Pistol
Beretta M92 SB Texas Ranger-Issue Semi-Automatic Pistol
Calico Systems M-951 Semi-Automatic Tactical Carbine
Colt (Hartford, CT) Agent Double-Action Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) AR15A3 Tactical Carbine
Colt (Hartford, CT) Border Patrol Double-Action Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) Delta Elite Semi-Automatic Pistol
Colt (Hartford, CT) Diamondback Double-Action Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) Gold Cup Pistol 1993 Harry Reeves Trophy
Colt (Hartford, CT) Mark IV Series 70 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Colt (Hartford, CT) Marshal Model Double-Action Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) Model 1862 Police Percussion Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) New Service Model Double-Action Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) Police Positive Special Double-Action Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) Python Double-Action Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) Trooper Mk III Double-Action Revolver
Colt (Hartford, CT) Trooper revolver
Colt Model 1903 Hammerless 32 Pocket Auto Pistol, 3rd Type
Coonan Arms, Inc. (St. Paul, MN) .357 Magnum Semi-Automatic Pistol
Dirty Harry's Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum
Enfield (Middlesex, England) Model 1884 Double-Action Revolver
Glock (Smyrna, GA) Model 17 Pistol
Griffin & Tow (London, England) Muzzleloading Flintlock Blunderbuss
Handmade Pistol
Heckler & Koch (Sterling, VA) MP5A3 Submachine Gun
Heckler & Koch Model PSP Semi-Automatic Pistol
High Standard (Camden, CT) Model D-100 Derringer
High Standard Model 10B Semi-Automatic Tactical Shotgun
J. Richards (London, England) Muzzleloading Flintlock Blunderbuss
Kel-tec Model P3AT Pistol
L. W. Seecamp LWS 32 Special Edition Semi-Automatic Pistol
Lt. Philip Hemphill's PPC Championship Revolver
Miami Vice - Frank White's Colt Combat Commander
Mint Thompson Submachine Gun
Officer Michael E. Garbarino's SIG Pistol
P. Webley & Son Metropolitan Police Double-Action Revolver
Remington (Ilion, NY) 11-87 Police shotgun
Remington (Ilion, NY) 31R Slide-Action Riot Shotgun
Remington (Ilion, NY) 40X Bolt-Action Rifle w/ Leopold telescopic sight
Remington (Ilion, NY) 40-XB Bolt-Action Rifle w/ telescopic sight
Remington (Ilion, NY) Model 51 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Remington (Ilion, NY) Model 81 Police Semi-Automatic Rifle
Sawed-off Double-Barrel Shotgun (deactivated)
Semmerling (Boston, MA) LM-4 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Sig 550-2SP CounterSniper rifle
Sig Sauer (Exeter, NH) P220 NRA Law Enforcement Commemorative pistol
Smith & Wesson (Springfield, MA) M&P pistol
Smith & Wesson (Springfield, MA) Model 30 Double-Action Revolver
Smith & Wesson (Springfield, MA) Model 340PD
Smith & Wesson (Springfield, MA) Model 59 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Smith & Wesson (Springfield, MA) Model 60 Double-Action Revolver
Smith & Wesson (Springfield, MA) Model 64 Military & Police Double-Action Revolver
Smith & Wesson (Springfield, MA) Model 66 revolver (Blown up)
Smith & Wesson .32 Hand Ejector Model 1903 Revolver
Smith & Wesson 22/32 Hand Ejector Revolver
Smith & Wesson Centennial M40 Revolver
Smith & Wesson Chemical Co. M277 Tear Gas Pistol
Smith & Wesson M10 Military & Police Revolver
Smith & Wesson M14-3 Double-Action Revolver
Smith & Wesson M15 Combat Masterpiece Revolver
Smith & Wesson M18 Combat Masterpiece Revolver
Smith & Wesson M539 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Smith & Wesson M586 Combat Magnum Revolver
Smith & Wesson M60 Chief's Special Revolver
Smith & Wesson M645 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Smith & Wesson M66 U.S. Border Patrol Commemorative Revolver
Smith & Wesson M681 Double-Action Revolver
Smith & Wesson Model 19 Combat Magnum Revolver
Smith & Wesson Model 28 Double-Action Revolver
Smith & Wesson Model 49 Bodyguard Double-Action Revolver
Smith & Wesson Pre-Model 27 Revolver
Sommer & Ockenfuss GmbH Marksman Tactical Rifle
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) 1911A1 Pistol
Sterling Armament, Ltd. (London, England) AR-180 Semi-Automatic Rifle
Sturm, Ruger & Co. KSPNY-182 Revolver
Sturm, Ruger & Co. Mini-14 Series 180 Rifle
Sturm, Ruger & Co. Security-Six Double-Action Revolver
Sturm, Ruger & Co. Speed-Six Double-Action Revolver
Uzi (Israel) Model A Semi-Automatic Carbine with telescopic sight
Walther (Ulm, Germany) PPK/S Semi-Automatic Pistol
Wilson (London, England) Muzzleloading Flintlock Blunderbuss Pistol
Winchester (New Haven, CT) Model 1886 Lever-Action Rifle
Winchester (New Haven, CT) Model 1897 Slide-Action Shotgun
Winchester (New Haven, CT) Model 1897 Slide-Action Shotgun
Winchester (New Haven, CT) Model 25 Slide-Action Shotgun